Our Vision 2030
We’re building a top-tier sports and recreation resort just for you. Whether you’re drawn to the mountains for adrenaline-packed descents or quality time with your family on the slopes, our vision is ambitious and inclusive – designed for everyone and everything you love about the mountains.
Rewilding Europe
The Rewilding Europe project represents a fascinating effort to restore original ecosystems and reintroduce wildlife to landscapes where they once thrived naturally. We contribute to this initiative regularly, and you can help too.
Supporting the Return of the Eurasian Lynx to the Krkonoše
Everything we do is driven by a single goal: to care for the nature that is home to our resort. We actively support initiatives working to reintroduce the Eurasian lynx and other endangered species to the Krkonoše Mountains.
Trigema supports this initiative independently and is not an official ambassador of any organisation.
We’re open daily
8:00 to 16:00
How To Get Here?
Horní Rokytnice 702,
512 44 Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Drop Us a Call
+420 733 733 053
We’ll pick up anytime from
8:00 to 18:00
Rokytnice a.s. | Horní Rokytnice 702 | 512 44 Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Registered under file no. B 2518 at the Municipal Court in Hradec Králové | Company ID 27495884