Kids club


In the lobby you will find a children's club where the little ones will have fun while you can relax and enjoy a cup of delicious coffee.

Take a moment, sit back and enjoy the atmosphere that will engulf you. Meanwhile, your children will have a lot of fun.

* the playground is suitable for children up to 11 years old
* one-time entrance fee 80 CZK
* free for Mountain Base clients for 30 min

Untitled design (23)

We’re open daily
8:00 to 16:00

How To Get Here?

Horní Rokytnice 702,
512 44 Rokytnice nad Jizerou

Drop Us a Call

+420 733 733 053
We’ll pick up anytime from
8:00 to 18:00

We’re going up with no plans to stop. Want to play a part?

There’s never enough winter lovers – we might just be looking for someone like you.

The project Podnikové vzdělávání Rokytnice, a.s., project number: CZ.03.01.03/00/23_047/0003134 is cofinanced by the European Union.

Rokytnice a.s. | Horní Rokytnice 702 | 512 44 Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Registered under file no. B 2518 at the Municipal Court in Hradec Králové | Company ID 27495884

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