How It Works


Save Online

We use a dynamic pricing system, allowing you to save up to 40% compared to fixed prices. The earlier you book, the bigger the discount! Shopping last minute? No worries – as long as you buy online, you’ll always save.

Fixed Prices

No internet connection on-site? You can also purchase tickets at the ticket office. However, prices there follow a fixed rate, which is slightly higher than the online discount.


Price List and Products

Single Ride Tickets

JOne ride enough? Or maybe two? If you don’t need a pass, single-ride tickets are the way to go.


Planning a weekend on the slopes or just a quick visit? With our wide selection of passes, you’re sure to find exactly what you need.

School Groups

For groups of children, pupils, or university students. Are you an instructor? Great news – you ride for free! Every group of 10 students automatically qualifies for one instructor pass. Group passes cannot be purchased online. If you're interested, give us a call or send an email.

Luggage Transport

Heading to the peaks with heavy bags? Save your back and let the chairlift carry your luggage for you.


We’re open daily
8:00 to 16:00

How To Get Here?

Horní Rokytnice 702,
512 44 Rokytnice nad Jizerou

Drop Us a Call

+420 733 733 053
We’ll pick up anytime from
8:00 to 18:00

We’re going up with no plans to stop. Want to play a part?

There’s never enough winter lovers – we might just be looking for someone like you.

Rokytnice a.s. | Horní Rokytnice 702 | 512 44 Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Registered under file no. B 2518 at the Municipal Court in Hradec Králové | Company ID 27495884

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